The online examination for the next Common Recruitment Process for(CRP RRBs VII) for recruitment of Group A officers (Scale-I II & III) and Group “B”-office Assistant (Multipurpose) will he conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) tentatively between August and October 2018. The interviews for recruitment of Group “A“ officers (Scale-I, II & Ill) under the same process will be coordinated By the Nodal Regional Rural Banks with the help of NABARD and IBPS in consultation with appropriate authority tentatively in the month of November 2018.
Age Limit
Officer Scale III : Age should be between 21 to 40 that is applicants who are born between 1978 Jun 3 till 1997 may 31 can apply for this post.
Officer Scale II : Age should be between 21 to 32 that is applicants who are born between 1988 jun 3 till 2000 may 31 can apply for this post.
Officer Scale I : Age should be between 18 to 28 that is applicants who are born between 1990 jun 2 till 2000 jun 1 can apply for this post.
Office Assistant : Age should be between 18 to 28 that is applicants who are born between 1990 jun 2 till 2000 jun 1 can apply for this post.
Age relaxation of five years is applicable for SC/ST candidates, three years is applicable for OBC candidates and ten years is applicable for physically disabled candidates.
Educational Qualifications
- Officer Scale III
Candidates must possess degree in Electronics/Communication/IT/Computer Science with two year experience.
- Officer Scale II
Candidates must pass degree/Equivalent with atleast 50% mark and must possess 2 year experience in banking field.
- Officer Scale I
- Office Assistant
Applicants must pass degree/equivalent and must possess computer knowledge.
Applicants must know the local language of the region where they are applying.
Application Fee
- For general candidates application fee is Rs 600/- . For SC/ST/OBC,PWD Ex-serviceman application fee is Rs 100/-
- Applicants need to pay application fee through online mode using Debit Card, Credit Card or Net Banking.
- Candidates are requested to take the print-out of application form for further reference.
Important Instructions for candidates
- The online registration starts from 08/06/2018 till 02/07/2018.
- The selection is based on Priliminary exam, Main exam and Interview.
- Candidates need to apply through the official link given below.
- Applicants neer to read the instructions carefully before applying. No change will be applicable after final submission.
- Candidates need to upload passport size photo, signature and thumb impression in specified size as given in the official notification.
- Last date of online application is July 2