Kerala PSC Published Notification for 54 Posts in various department under government of Kerala.Candidates who looking for Government Jobs in Kerala can apply Now. Assistant professor,Drugs inspector, librarian, Draftsman cum surveyor, lower division typist,internal auditor,chemist, security guard, high school teacher , Nurse Gr .II, Drilling Assistant, Assistant Professor,Accounts officer,Branch Manager, LP School Assistant etc . interested and eligible candidates can apply before 22.09.2021. More Details Given Below
Post Name, Department,Category Number - Click on the link you can view more details of the post.
Assistant Professor in Paediatric Nephrology- Medical Education (CATEGORY NO: 287/2021)
Assistant Professor in Public Administration-Kerala Collegiate Education (CATEGORY NO: 288/2021)
Assistant Professor in Bio-Technology-Kerala Collegiate Education (CATEGORY NO: 289/2021)
Drugs Inspector (Ayurveda) - Kerala Drugs Control (CATEGORY NO: 290/2021)
Librarian - Kerala Administrative Tribunal (CATEGORY NO: 291/2021)
Lecturer Grade I – Rural Industries -Rural Development (CATEGORY NO: 292/2021)
Draftsman-cum-Surveyor - Mining and Geology (CATEGORY NO: 293/2021)
Workshop Instructor/ Demonstrator in Automobile Engineering -Technical Education Department (CATEGORY NO: 294/2021)
Demonstrator in Electronics and Instrumentation (1) & Demonstrator in Instrument Technology (1) -Technical Education Department (CATEGORY NO: 295/2021 - 296/2021)
Mate (Mines) - Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited (CATEGORY NO: 297/2021)
Lower Division Typist -Kerala State Pollution Control Board ( CATEGORY NO: 298/2021)
Field Supervisor Gr.II -State Farming Corporation of Kerala Limited (CATEGORY NO: 299/2021)
Programmer - Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federation Limited -Part 1 (General Category)(CATEGORY NO: 300/2021)
Programmer-Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federation Limited -Part II (Society Category) (CATEGORY NO: 301/2021)
Internal Auditor - Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federation Limited -Part 1 (General Category)(CATEGORY NO: 302/2021)
Internal Auditor- Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federation Limited -Part II (Society Category) (CATEGORY NO: 303/2021)
Overseer Gr II/Draftsman Grade II - Kerala Land Development Corporation Limited.( CATEGORY NO: 304/2021)
CHEMIST-Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federation Limited-Part 1 (General Category) (CATEGORY NO: 305/2021)
Chemist - Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federation Limited -Part II (Society Category) (CATEGORY NO: 306/2021)
Cashier-Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federaton Limited -Part 1 (General Category) (CATEGORY NO: 307/2021)
Cashier- Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federation Limited -Part II (Society Category) (CATEGORY NO: 308/2021)
Security Guard/ Security Guard GradeII/ Watcher Grade II-Various Govt Owned Companies/Corporations/Boards (CATEGORY NO: 309/2021)
High School Teacher(Sanskrit) (By Transfer) -Education (CATEGORY NO: 310/2021)
Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Sanskrit) By transfer -Education (CATEGORY NO: 311/2021)
Nurse Gr-II (Ayurveda) - Ayurveda Colleges (CATEGORY NO: 312/2021)
Amenities Assistant (MLA Hostel) -Legislature Secretariat (CATEGORY NO: 313/2021)
Drilling Assistant (Special Recruitment from among (SC/ST ) -Ground Water (CATEGORY NO: 314/2021)
Assistant Professor in Transfusion Medicine (Blood Bank) -Medical Education-FIRST NCA NOTIFICATION (STATEWIDE) (CATEGORY NO: 315/2021 – 316/2021)
Assistant Professor in General Medicine - Medical Education -SECOND NCA NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 317/2021)
Assistant Professor in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery -Medical Education-SECOND NCA-NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 318/2021 – 319/2021)
Assistant Professor in Neurosurgery -Medical Education -FIRST NCA-NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 320/2021)
Assistant Professor in Community Medicine- Medical Education-FIRST NCA-NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 321/2021 – 322/2021)
Assistant Professor in Mathematics -Kerala Collegiate Education -EIGHTH NCA NOTIFICATION(CATEGORY NO: 323/2021)
Accounts Officer-Kerala State Co-operative Bank Limited -FOURTH N.C.A. NOTIFICATION (SOCIETY CATEGORY)-SC (CATEGORY NO: 324/2021)
Clerk Grade - I - Kerala State Co-operative Bank Limited -SECOND N.C.A. NOTIFICATION (SOCIETY CATEGORY)-SC (CATEGORY NO: 325/2021)
Security Guard - Traco Cable Company Limited -II NCA NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 326/2021)
High School Teacher (Social Science) -Malayalam Medium -Education FIRST NCA NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 327/2021)
High School Teacher (Mathematics) (Malayalam Medium) - FOURTH NCA NOTIFICATION ( CATEGORY NO: 328/2021)
L P School Teacher (Tamil Medium) - Education -FIRST NCA NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 329/2021 – 331/2021)
Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Hindi) -Education -FIRST NCA NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 332/2021 – 336/2021)
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) - LPS -Education- IIIrd NCA NOTIFICATION(CATEGORY NO: 337/2021)
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) - LPS - Education -FIFTH NCA NOTIFICATION (CATEGORY NO: 338/2021)
Branch Manager - District Co-operative Bank -FIRST NCA NOTIFICATION -PART I (GENERAL QUOTA) (CATEGORY NO: 339/2021 – 341/2021)
How to Apply For Kerala PSC Exam ?
Eligible candidates can apply through official website of kerala PSC .
Last Date : 22.09.2021
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