Kerala High court Assistant Notification 2018| Apply Now | Kerala High Court Recruitment For Degree Holders 2018 | Kerala High Court Assistant Exam Syllabus 2018
Applications are invited from qualified Indian Citizens for appointment to the following postin the High Court of Kerala. Candidate shall apply ONLINE through the Recruitment Portal ( of the High Court. No other means/ modes of applications will be accepted.
Recruitment Number : 5/2018
Name of the Post : ASSISTANT
Scale of Pay : `27800-59400
Number of vacancies and Validity of Ranked List : 38 (Thirty Eight)
Method of Appointment : Direct Recruitment
Age Limit : Candidates born between 02/01/1982 and 01/01/2000 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply
Qualification : Bachelor's degree with atleast 50% marks (no stipulation of marks in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes) OR Master's Degree OR Law Degree awarded or recognised by any of the Univiersities in Kerala.
Desirable : Knowledge in Computer Operations.
Mode of Selection :Selection will be on the basis of Written Test and Interview. The written test consists of Objective Test and Descriptive Test. Immediately after the Objective Test, Descriptive Test will be administered.
i) Objective Test : The Objective Test with 75 minutes duration to be answered in OMR Answer Sheet consists of 3 Sections with marks shown against each (Total 100 marks)as follows : (a) General English – 30 marks, (b) General Knowledge – 50 marks and (c) Basic Mathematics – 20 marks. Each question will carry 1 mark. For every incorrectanswer, 1/3 mark will be deducted.
ii) Descriptive Test : The Descriptive Test with 30 minutes duration (40 Marks) to be
written on separate answer sheets consists of precis, letter writing and essay.
iii) Interview : The interview is for 10 marks. The minimum marks for being included in the
ranked list will be 35% in the interview
Important Dates to be remembered with regard to the submission of application:
Date of commencement of online applications (STEP-I & STEP-II Processes) 26.07.2018
Closure of STEP-I Process 20.08.2018
Last date for remittance of Application Fee 31.08.2018
Closure of STEP-II Process 06.09.2018